An Open Letter to His
Excellency the Right Honourable Governor General of CanadaDavid Johnston C.C., C.M.M., C.O.M., C.D.
Canadians have become aware that, amid scandals and anti-democratic
activity, Prime Minister Stephen Harper intends to request proroguing of Parliament
in early June. In as little as two
weeks, the Prime Minister intends to silence debate, thus avoiding answering
for his government’s actions.
If successful, this will be the third occasion Prime
Minister Harper has used prorogation avoid responsibility. In 2008, PM Harper used prorogation to avoid
a non-confidence vote. In 2009, he used
it to avoid answering for the Afghan Detainees scandal. Now, he appears set to use prorogation to duck
questions regarding his Chief-of-Staff buying a Senator, among other issues.
The Government of Stephen Harper has become the
least-democratic and least-responsible government Canada
has had. Its offences against democracy
are varied and numerous: Charter Rights violations; intimidating advocates;
bullying government employees; terminating bureaucrats for exercising their
duties; hindering or halting investigations; and much more.
PM Harper denies the core principle of responsible
government - that government be responsible to Citizens. His actions have shown contempt for Canadians
and for our democracy. Stephen Harper
uses omnibus budget bills to avoid debating legislation; even as Parliament
readies to vote on the current budget, we still lack information on Budget
2012. This Government stalls or blocks
Access To Information requests, hides behind legal privilege, and, in the new
Budget, will restrict Citizens from participating in public hearings. The Conservatives routinely move committee
discussion behind closed-doors, away from our scrutiny. This Government has repeatedly refused to
provide information on multiple issues, from the treatment of Afghan detainees
to the cost of new fighter jets. It has
shut down departmental archives, thereby preventing Citizens from checking
facts. The Harper Government is now moving
towards direct control of the Canadian Broadcast Corporation, thereby
eliminating a key public accountability service.
The Conservatives have implemented frightening restrictions
on our civil service. The new Code Of
Conduct policy requires all employees of the Government of Canada to be loyal
to the Harper Government; to not speak against it, even in private; and to obtain
approval for public statements. Failure
to comply results in loss of employment.
This policy not only violates our Charter Rights to freedom of thought,
belief, opinion and expression; it also violates the Canada Labour Code, as it prevents
union members from disagreeing with the government. This Duty of Loyalty policy has already seen
extensive use against our scientists and librarians. And recently, civil servants received emails
linking them to the Harper Government’s Economic Action Plan, and inquiring how
they will vote in future - an obvious attempt at voter intimidation, and a
gross offence against democracy.
The Harper Government has also targeted Canada ’s
volunteer sector for loyalty. The Canada
Revenue Agency has notified charities that engaging in activities deemed ‘political’
will cost them charitable status.
Not-for-profits risk audits for similar activity. Step by step, this government is stifling
dissent, stamping out discourse, and erasing the rights of Canadians.
This government is acting against the best interests of
Canadians, is refusing to be responsible to the Citizens, and appears bent on
creating an autocracy in the person of Stephen Harper. The Loyal Opposition is unable to hold this
Government to account. PM Harper has
engineered and manipulated the Senate to guarantee his domination. Citizens who
protest are either ignored by Harper or targeted for intimidation. The voices of Canadians are being silenced.
We cannot simply wait two years for election day. By then, irreparable damage will have been
done to our democracy. Stephen Harper
will have made it difficult, if not impossible, to oppose him. In two more years, we may no longer have
elections at all.
Excellency, Canadians need you. Citizens cannot themselves legally stop this Government. Action must be taken now to preserve
democracy. Otherwise, our future is
As a Citizen, I humbly request, Excellency, that you
discharge the duty entrusted to you: to preserve our democracy. I request that you exercise your authority as
Head of State for Canada
to remove from office those who have violated the sacred trust placed in them
by Citizens. Please, restore balance to
our system.
Do not prorogue parliament and permit another
loophole-escape from public accountability; ensure that we Citizens learn the
Under Section V of
the Letters Patent, please remove
from office such Senators, Ministers, Members of Parliament, or other individuals
- of any party - who have acted against Citizens, who sought personal gain over
duty, or who have otherwise disgraced the values of responsible government and
Withhold or withdraw Royal Assent from any and all
legislation which runs counter to the Charter, or to the principles of
Act within your power to lift policy and legislative restrictions
on dissent and discourse, as all Citizens should be able express their
political views without fear of retribution.
When Citizens have been able to review the actions and
behaviour of those who act in our names, and when democratic balance has been
restored, please dissolve Parliament that Canada
might have a proper, free, and fair election.
As you noted recently, Excellency, a Governor General’s
reserve powers are rarely used, but are of supreme importance to preserving
democracy. The time to act has
arrived. Canada needs you. Democracy needs you. We Citizens need you.
Please, save our democracy.
Jeff Rose-Martland
Citizen of Canada